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Medical Administration (Grass-Root Health Division)

    To develop and implement the plans to prevent and treat serious diseases with traditional Chinese medicine in Beijing; to guide and implement the affairs of traditional Chinese medicine in Beijing local rural and community hygiene; To examine and approve the qualifications of medical institutions of traditional Chinese medicine, the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine and the ethic medicine; to develop and supervise the implementation of regulation standards for the related medical institutions and the application of their technology; to develop and supervise the implementation of regulation methods of traditional Chinese medical treatment, prophylaxis, health care, rehabilitation and nursing, as well as the service standards of medical technology; to supervise and control the medical quality of traditional Chinese medicine; to identify, register and modify the license qualification of traditional Chinese medical physicians; To audit the medical advertisements of traditional Chinese medicine; and to supervise the herbal cuisines and health care products made according to traditional Chinese medical theories.

    Office Tel:     83970032

    Fax:     83970034


Contact Info

Address:Beijing city Xicheng District Zaolin Street No. 70

Official Relations

北京国医网 北京市中医药对外交流信息网 北京市卫生健康委员会