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May 1st Labor’s Day Coming, Salute Workers! Medical Experts Charity Clinics in Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway Site

  Led by Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-rural Development, together with Beijing University of Chinese Medicine No.3 Affiliated Hospital, China Railway 6th Group New Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway No.2 Section Project Office, jointly launched the campaign of saluting workers via sending doctors and health assisting in Building Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway, spreaded the emergency medical care knowledge and undertook physical examination and charity clinics for the forefront workers of the Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway.




  Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-rural Development, together with Beijing University of Chinese Medicine No.3 Affiliated Hospital, China Railway 6th Group New Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway No.2 Section Project Office launched the campaign of saluting workers via sending doctors and health assisting in Building Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway.




  The Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway, as the state major program, was of great significance on successfully helding Beijing Winter Olympics 2022 and pushing the synergic growth among Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. The Beijing section of Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway’s main track runs for 70.3km in total via Haidian District, Changping District and Yanqing District. The land requisition and demolishing red line runs for 68.3km as submitted by the railway company. As coordinated and advanced by Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-rural Development, thanks to the great support from each district government, the last 14 rooms in Haidian District belonging to Zhonghong Urban Construction Company were successfully demolished (it was included into the demolishing scope after adjusting the red line). All the lands within the red line as submitted by the railway company in the Beijing section of Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway had been successfully requisited, and the access proportion reached 100%, strongly ensuring the construction schedule of Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway.

  In line with the specific features of the railway construction and the railway strained workers actuality, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine No. 3 Affiliated Hospital mobilized the experts from Emergency Department, Encephalopathy Department, Cardiology Department, Spleech and Stomach Department and Pneumology Department to involve in the charity clinics, and especially arranged the senior experts and professors from Orthopedics Department, Rheumatology And Immunology Department and Dermatology Department to go for targeted diagnosis and treatment. In addition,  Beijing University of Chinese Medicine No. 3 Affiliated Hospital deployed the experts from Acupuncture Department And Massage Department to relieve the acute and chronic pains for the workers on the spot via such drugless physical therapy as bean, acupuncture and massage etc.




  Apart from the live charity clinics offered by the TCM experts, the experts from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine No. 3 Affiliated Hospital trained the workers working for Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway in terms of the cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for platinum ten minutes. As the Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway is complex in terrrain, the medical staff of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine No. 3 Affiliated Hospital launched the on-spot training to ensure zero rate of casualty, they, by virtue of anthropomorphic dummy, live demonstrated the CPR approach, taught the fellow workers on the first-aid operation skills, such that they could really enhance their ability to aid themselves and others, and hidden risks could be prevented this way.

  As the construction site is remote, it is uneasy for workers aging 40-50 to go to see the doctors, and their demand for the medical care and disease prevention is increasing. To offer the forefront workers in Capital with easier medical service, the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine No. 3 Affiliated Hospital would opened green channel for their first aid and emergency treatment, so as to ensure them to enjoy the fastest, timely and most professional treatment, and offer top-quality medical service via allocating most skillful experts and professors.


  News source:

  Editor: Guo Yutong



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